Video Advertising
Secrets of Best Video Advertising

1. You Only Have 5 Seconds

People are too overwhelmed by advertising on the Internet to spend a lot of time watching it. Frankly, they spend very little time watching it.

Although the average period of user attention is 8.5 seconds, in fact, most often you have only 5 to attract the attention of a user. That is how much time passes before the “Skip ad” button appears on YouTube. Your video may last longer, but it should get a person to watch it in the first few seconds of its duration. The main thing here is to offer a person something interesting, at an interesting service, a new product, a new service, or something that they haven’t seen before.

If in the first seconds of the video it is better to briefly and concisely lay out the whole essence of your offer, the rest should also be filled with useful information. The full version of a commercial can be informative and partly educational. Unique formats of videos attract the attention of users and thus, your product will remain in their memory for a long time.

2. Voice Behind The Scene

YouTube users often switch to adjacent browser tabs during an ad, they may have clicked on a video and went to the bathroom, thus, skipping an ad altogether. Surely you yourself have done it more than once. To keep the attention of this part of the audience, make your video advertising easy to hear. Add a clear verbal accompaniment that will properly describe your product/service to the soundtrack.

Experts note that the most important indicator of the quality of a video is the quality of its audio, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. This is good news: it turns out that large budgets for a film crew and full-fledged production are not as critical as the creation of a great audio track for a video.

If you are creative and you are good at audio editing – your videos will be successful. Today, an in-built smartphone microphone can provide high-quality recording, so the most necessary things for work include writing a script, a quiet place and an employee with a pleasant voice, who won’t mind using their voice to promote a product.

3. Finding Your Audience

I think we can all agree that few people will appreciate seeing a motor oil ad that will pop up during a video tutorial on how to make chocolate chip cookies. In the same way, users will hardly pay due attention to a vacuum cleaner ad on a gaming site. In addition to the basic targeting settings, try to determine the list of sites for placing your video on, define your target audience and don’t waste your money on promoting a product to people that are not interested in it.

It happens that, for one reason or another, to make a list of websites for displaying advertisement is not possible. In this case, you need to focus on audience parameters and keyword targeting. The latter is better to pay special attention to because keywords are extremely important at getting the right people to watch your ad.

4. Remarketing

Video marketing is a powerful advertising tool, however, you shouldn’t rely on users to purchase a product immediately after watching a video. In addition to direct conversions, a video brings brand awareness, brand recognition, and interest in it.
In order not to miss a wide audience of viewers who are interested in a video but have not yet been converted into buyers, set up remarketing. You can create your remarketing strategy by using AdWords’ Audience Manager.

5. Focus On Telling A Story, Not Being A Salesman

There is no other way to put it, people are good at sensing the BS when they see it, they hate salesmen and thus, all the products that they are trying to sell. Being genuine, telling a story of development or your personal story associated with a product is be a great way to advertise it.

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